Best Escape Room Games / Escape Room Barcelona / Act One: Winds of Power
Vila De Gracia, Calle Legalitat 12 Local , Barcelona
60 Min
Participants :
2-6 Players
2 players:
3 players:
4 players:
5 players:
6 players:
Luccio Leone has set out to shoot the best Western Spaguetti in history and Klint Eastwood wants that role at all costs! That's why he hired you ... Assemble the best team (2-6 people), enter the recording set, get a copy of the script and leave without being seen. If you succeed, your secret as white-collard thieves will be kept, and new missions will come. Good luck!
Suitable For:
Families, 16+, Corporate Events
Opening Hours:
Tuesday 10AM–11:30PM Wednesday 10AM–11:30PM Thursday 10AM–11:30PM Friday 10AM–11:30PM Saturday 10AM–11:30PM Sunday 10AM–11:30PM Monday 10AM–11:30PM