Best Escape Room Games / Escape Room Roma / Prison Break
Participants :
-6 Players
2 players:
3 players:
4 players:
5 players:
6 players:
You are a prisoner of the Silver Bay correctional center with no hope to leave. You'll soon hear voices about someone that disappeared from Silver Bay longtime ago and, also, that you are in the same cell. While you look around you ask yourself if there's something true in what you heard and, possibly, if you can find some hint about how he did it.....
Siete incarcerati nel carcere di massima sicurezza di Silver Bay, condannati all'ergastolo. Parlando con altri detenuti iniziate a sentire voci circa qualcuno che tanto tempo fa riusci a fuggire e che, pare, occupasse la vostra stessa cella. Mentre siete seduti sulla vostra branda vi guardate attorno e vi chiedete se possa esserci un fondo di verità in ciò che avete sentito e, soprattutto, se il vecchio inquilino della cella abbia lasciato qualche indizio....
Suitable For:
Prison Break is the first (out of 5) escape room at enTRAPment. The club is fully themed as an ancient temple and includes a pub fully dedicated to riddles, puzzle, magic and illusions.
Opening Hours:
enTRAPment is open from 14'30 till 3am every night. Late closure is available upon request and booking.